Knowledge Vineyard

Elite SAT and ACT Tutoring

"The path to your dream is paved with preparation" -- Max Kilman, Founder and Tutoring Director


We're an elite, personalized tutoring service to help you or your student achieve the SAT or ACT score to gain admission to the college or university of your dreams. Led by Max Kilman, an elite SAT and ACT tutor. Max scored a perfect 36/36 on the ACT and a 1570 on the SAT.

What We Offer

  • Diagnose your strengths and weaknesses on the SAT and/or ACT

  • Design a customized study program for the SAT or ACT to optimize your score

  • Design a customized study timeline to optimize your efficiency

  • Provide a disciplined framework to ensure you stay on track for success

  • Personalized guidance to help you understand how to improve